We promised an autumn ride – so here it is!
Mass Ride 4 will be on SATURDAY 12th OCTOBER.
Full details can be downloaded here.
You know the plan.
10.00am starts at various points out of town; joining together in North Walls; doing our ‘thing’ around the one-way system and then back to Abbey Gardens for refreshments and chat.
So is there any more to know about the ride at this stage?
Well, just one or two things:
- A group in Highcliffe have always organised their own route to link-up with the main ride. Well done to them! This will now be ‘official’ with details published on-line. If any of you want to follow their lead and propose your own link-up ride then get in touch.
- The autumn ride will be part of Winchester Green Week – an outlier from the main activities but still in full support.
- If you know you are coming and want to assist then early offers of help on the day will be gratefully received! Email massride@cyclewinchester.org.uk.
- We have one or two ideas in the mix for Abbey Gardens, following the ride. Your thoughts are always welcome.
Maybe over the next two months you can quietly and not so quietly help get the word around that whatever someone’s flavour of cycling, whatever their frequency of cycling, whatever their make of bike, whatever their fitness, age or gender … Saturday 12th October is the day to be out pedalling the streets of the city together. As implementation of the Winchester Movement Strategy gets underway we want any fine words it contains to be turned into positive, well-funded and radical decisions to benefit the future of cycling in our city. There’s no better time to demonstrate the demand and no better time to be seen and to be counted – the massed ranks of Winchester cyclists!