This month we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Cycle Winchester’s founding. On November 9th 2017, a dark Thursday evening, more than 100 people attended a public meeting entitled Taking Cycling Seriously, with the declared aim to create a stronger voice for cycling in Winchester city and the surrounding area. On December 12th we held the first meeting of the core group of volunteers, most of whom are still at the heart of the organisation.
We’re grateful for support from Bespoke Biking, City of Winchester Trust, Friends of the Earth Winchester, Winchester CTC, WinACC and Bicycle Beano, which got us off the ground.
We’d love to be able to report that the cycling landscape in Winchester has been transformed for the better in those five years. Progress has been frustratingly slow, and there have been some big disappointments along the way.
But, measured against the aim of that first meeting, we have certainly created a stronger voice for cycling in Winchester. We are reliably consulted on relevant planning and transport issues. The more enlightened teams within Winchester and Hampshire councils recognise the expertise and insights we bring to the table. It now feels more like a joint struggle to achieve the changes we desire.
Along the way, we also created some fun and spectacle with six inspiring Mass Rides. We launched the Winchester Cycling Charter, which has been signed by over 800 individuals and 80 leading organisations. Our evolution includes becoming an unincorporated association with a formal constitution. We are very grateful for the support and financial backing of a small but growing membership. Our first AGM will be on Monday February 6th, 2023.
If you haven’t already, why not consider becoming a member? If you’d like to get involved with our activities, we are a small but enthusiastic group of volunteers. Drop us a line at