Cycle of Solidarity… for Sierra Leone

Cycle Winchester exists to campaign to make our city better by bike. Bikes are bringing change around the world, and people on bikes are campaigning for a better world. On Saturday 11 May we are invited to gather outside Winchester Cathedral and use our bikes for a wider cause: a Chain of Solidarity for Sierra Leone. Right now, Sierra Leone is the most dangerous place in the world to become a mum. Money that should be spent on providing maternal health care is instead paying off debt following the Ebola Crisis. The Chain of Solidarity is a simple, visual and audible call: at 11am we’ll form a mass loop of cycles in front of the Cathedral, ring our bells and add our voices to Christian Aid and the Jubilee Debt Campaign’s call on the IMF to Drop The Ebola Debt. It’ll be a fun, family-friendly event and Cycle Winchester is pleased to support the campaign. You can find out more about the campaign and sign an online petition here.

For those of you that fancy going the extra mile… or more… this event is preceded by a Big Bike to Brekkie: the Cathedral refectory are providing breakfast – a sausage bap (or egg, or bacon) – to anyone that raises sponsorship to cycle from wherever they live to the Cathedral. People have already signed up to cycle into Winchester from Basingstoke, Chichester, Salisbury and even Gillingham in Dorset. You could set up your own early-morning loop into the countryside and wind up back for Breakfast. All funds raised willsupport Christian Aid’s work around the world. More information is available , and we’re being asked to register for the Big Bike to Brekkie by Tuesday 7 May. There’s no need to register in advance to take part in the Chain of Solidarity though – just turn up on the morning.

For more information email Stephen –

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