For more than three years, through the quietly determined efforts of a small band of volunteers, Cycle Winchester has steadily exerted an influence over local and national transport authorities, in pursuit of our primary aim: making Winchester better by bike. Last October we reported on our main activities and achievements to date.
During that time, our organisational structure has remained informal. We received start-up funding from WinACC, City of Winchester Trust, Bespoke Biking, Cycling UK/CTC and Friends of the Earth, then a second round of top-up funding from several of those organisations. This has been supplemented by collections at the Mass Rides, personal donations, and small out-of-pocket expenses not claimed back. Funds have been spent on annual membership of Cycling UK (which gives us event insurance for Mass Rides, and allows us to extend other member benefits), as well as costs incurred to promote and run events. Because we lacked a formal structure, we weren’t able to open a bank account, and so funds were kindly held on our behalf by Winchester CTC.
This month, Cycle Winchester takes an important step forward, by establishing a formal structure. On June 7th, the core group unanimously adopted a constitution, which establishes us as an ‘unincorporated association with charitable aims’. It’s a mouthful, but essentially it means we exist as an entity and can open our own bank account. Our turnover is far, far below the threshold to register as a charity, but that path is open to us in the future. We’ll be eligible to apply for grants, should any opportunities arise.
The group remains as inclusive and welcoming as ever, and we’d encourage supporters to step forward if they have some spare time to help with our campaigns and activities. You won’t be landed with things you’d rather not do!
In due course we’ll invite supporters to become members, to engage fully with the democratic decisions of the organisation, for which there will be a small membership fee (minimum £5.00 a year, free if you are unwaged). Cycle Winchester membership will also bring benefits, including discounted membership of Cycling UK.
We have elected two officers – John Arthur as Chair, and Rob Jordan as Secretary – but we have a vacancy for the third office of Treasurer, which we urgently need to fill. Given our very modest turnover, we don’t think it’s an onerous role. Could it be you? Please contact if you are willing to be nominated?
You can read the constitution here, if that’s your bag. For our campaigns and activities: it’s full speed ahead.