
Photograph of young cyclist on the St Bede bike bus

Two new bike buses launched

We are excited to announce two additional new buses! A second Oliver’s Battery Primary bus is now running on Friday mornings, meeting at 0820 at Old Kennels Close. Meanwhile, another group of parents has organised a bus from Abbots Barton to Barton Farm Primary, meeting at Austen Close at 0810 on Fridays.

Photo of bikes parked outside Winchester railway station, and the fenced off former bike parking area.

Bike Theft Review of 2023

Cycle Winchester has been closely monitoring the disturbing levels of bike theft in the city, and intervening to try and improve the situation in theft hot spots, notably at the railway station. The latest statistics, showing a reduction in thefts during 2023, provide a crumb of comfort, but overall the situation is far from happy.