There are some changes in the city centre which have been on the books for ages, but Cycle Winchester gathers are now imminent. The schemes are funded by Tranche 2 of the Active Travel Fund. We are still in conversation about residual concerns but broadly welcome the changes as a move in the right direction. Work is due to start in early January ’24.
- Contraflow cycling will soon be allowed on Parchment Street. Cyclists entering from North Walls will have to switch sides after the right turn has been made. The draft order has been published and can be viewed on the Hampshire website here. The documentation is currently incomplete on the website but hopefully this will be remedied shortly. Final date for comments is Friday 1st September 2023.
- Two-way cycling will be allowed on Middle Brook Street between Friarsgate and Silver Hill. We have asked for confirmation that the sign will say “Cycle and Pedestrian zone” rather than just Pedestrian Zone.
- Modal filters will be used at either end of Hyde Church Lane to prevent through traffic. [Cycle Winchester has not seen the designs for this scheme.]
- Advanced Stop Lines will be created at the Jewry Street/City Road/Hyde Street junction with embedded sensors to give cyclists an advanced green light to follow soon afterwards. We have been pushing for this for a while and delighted that it is going ahead; apparently the first instance of ASLs in Hampshire!
- A contraflow cycle lane will be created on the High Street between Tower Street to Staple Gardens. Further consultation is planned. Amongst other things we are challenging the priority being given to vehicles turning right into Tower Street and the lack of a physical barrier to protect those on a bike.
- A trial crossing will be implemented on Romsey Road, by Clifton Terrace. We have had a lot of input into draft plans but this seems to have been quietly dropped and currently there is no specific provision for cyclists. [STOP PRESS – apparently a contraflow cycle lane is now planned for Clifton Terrace; we haven’t seen the latest designs and have concerns about how it will be accessed from the south and east directions.]
We will certainly be encouraging as many cyclists as possible to use these new opportunities as they arise and help cement them in everyone’s mind!